
Why Techmeme now lists events, and how to get your event listed

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 4:04PM ET
by Gabe Rivera (@gaberivera)     Permalink

Events have always played an important role in the tech industry. Knowledge exchange and networking opportunities have long been a key draw, as Apple's history attests. The motivations for meeting have certainly expanded since the 1970s. Today, every kind of actor in the tech ecosystem holds events: large vendors host conferences to promote development on their platforms, investors host presentations to promote their portfolio companies, and media companies host events to earn the bulk of their revenues (indeed the case for many of Techmeme's most cited sources).

Just as Techmeme filters the most newsworthy stories in technology, today we begin filtering the industry's most newsworthy events by including a new section (shown here) detailing the next four months of major industry events. That section in turn points to a dedicated page showing an extended calendar that goes well beyond the next four months.

Our aim is not to include all "technology" events, which would be both difficult and pointless for a site like Techmeme. Even tech events of national or international scope are far too numerous to include here without overwhelming Techmeme's readers. Instead, our criteria for inclusion are tailored nicely for Techmeme: we'll include events that are expected to produce the kind of news that appears on Techmeme. For example, events involving major announcements or product launches, or conferences including candid interviews with a major industry figures. As such, we will also include events like earnings announcements (of the more bellwether variety), scheduled project launches, and other kinds of virtual events that one cannot attend in body, but only in browser.

If you're an event promoter and want to be listed, we will include your event at no cost provided your event meets these criteria. Send details to , and be sure your email includes Techmeme permalinks showing either coverage of earlier events in your conference series or other clear indications that your event will result in stories that hit Techmeme. You'll want to use Techmeme's search function to uncover these permalinks.

We're also offering a paid option for featuring events that you believe Techmeme's readers may be interested in discovering. What are the benefits of paying? First, we'll highlight your event in yellow and include a call to REGISTER NOW. Second, you can promote events that don't otherwise meet our rather rigid news-making criteria. Third, we'll highlight your event on Techmeme's home page even if it occurs more than four months in the future. For pricing details or other questions, please send a note to .

Now-classic Jobs/Gates image from D5 via Joi Ito.

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